Hire Services
When clients told us they struggle to find equipment, we responded by setting up a plant hire division of our own. It makes perfect sense for everyone, because it’s one more way of streamlining projects and shrinking their costs. Today, we use our contacts and negotiation skills to source and supply equipment on demand, providing any item a client asks for. And when we say any, we mean any: from extension leads and air-con units to 4-tonne dumper trucks, or even hard-to-find gear like specialist technology for underground surveys
Hire Services
When clients told us they struggle to find equipment, we responded by setting up a plant hire division of our own. It makes perfect sense for everyone, because it’s one more way of streamlining projects and shrinking their costs. Today, we use our contacts and negotiation skills to source and supply equipment on demand, providing any item a client asks for. And when we say any, we mean any: from extension leads and air-con units to 4-tonne dumper trucks, or even hard-to-find gear like specialist technology for underground surveys
Traffic management
By looking at the bigger picture and understanding the real-world challenges faced by developers and engineers, we spotted a chance to make life simpler for us all. Our dedicated Traffic Management service is a vital additional resource, enabling us to handle any issues around access and traffic on your behalf. Whether we’re supplying cones and temporary lights or completing official paperwork to close a motorway – this service literally gives your project the green light.
Traffic management
By looking at the bigger picture and understanding the real-world challenges faced by developers and engineers, we spotted a chance to make life simpler for us all. Our dedicated Traffic Management service is a vital additional resource, enabling us to handle any issues around access and traffic on your behalf. Whether we’re supplying cones and temporary lights or completing official paperwork to close a motorway – this service literally gives your project the green light.

Training and development
With so much expertise at our disposal, it seemed a shame not to share it. Our Construction Training and Development service does exactly that. We provide accredited instructors who’ll train and qualify your people in everything from first aid and health & safety through to project management, conflict management and high-risk specialisms like infrastructure. Our resources can handle any number of individuals at any UK venue too, including out on site, at our own training facility here in Lancashire, or even online.